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About us

"Coalition for Change" is a union of Georgian citizens whose goal is to bring real, positive changes in order to create a European, secure, and happy future for our homeland.
The members, leaders, and supporters of the coalition represent various groups in society and have different life experiences, but we all believe in a shared successful future. Together, we will live in a democratic Georgia, a member of the European Union, where every citizen will have well-paying jobs, accessible and high-quality education and healthcare, guaranteed safety, and peace.
We believe in a future where leaders serve the interests of the people and the country, rather than the country serving them.
As a nation, on October 26, we must make a historic decision that will define the future of Georgia. People desire change, and that change is now within a hand’s reach. However, real change is never achieved without effort.
If we all cast our votes, we will declare once and for all that Georgia belongs to its people. We will send a clear message to the world that our future is in our own hands.

The change begins on October 26th.
The future is yours!

Our vision

Our homeland stands on the threshold of real change. More than ever, today, the Georgian people are united, determined and firm in their choice. The citizens of Georgia have proven what they are capable of. We believe in the historical choice of our ancestors, and we know the choice of out future generations: Europe – the cradle of Christian civilization, the guarantee of prosperity and security!

Coalition governance, rather than single-party rule, is the path towards real change.

The absolute majority of the Georgian people reject “Georgian Dream” and choose a path forward toward the future, not just a change in the ruling party but fundamental and tangible changes:

• A change that creates economic opportunities leading to success and happiness for all;

• A change that provides future generations with the chance to develop and achieve success in their homeland;

• A change that reunites Georgian families by bringing emigrants back home.

What the change will bring us:
• An EU passport for every Georgian citizen – by 2030, Georgia will become a member of the European Union, ensuring guaranteed prosperity, security, and peace.

• European-quality education, healthcare, and agriculture.

• A European-level economy, social protection programs, income, and pensions.

• Wealthy and strong European-style regions, where each municipality will independently manage its future, income, land, forests, and other resources.

Starting October 26tth, we will be able to:

• Fulfill the President’s “Georgian Charter” by electing a non-partisan Prime Minister, establishing an independent judiciary, dissolving the State Security Service (SUS), and making the police serve the people.

• Immediately start EU accession negotiations.

• Restore Georgia’s historic role as the cultural and economic bridge between Europe and Asia, making it a regional financial and economic hub.

• Finalize free trade and visa-free agreements with the U.S., giving Georgian products access to both EU and U.S. markets (800 million consumers).

• Provide high-quality education-have education fund: from kindergarten through university, fully funded by the state.

• Double the economy, significantly increasing household incomes.

• Ensure that Georgia becomes an EU member where there has never been military conflict.